Scan-Shipping Bergen’s fleet has undergone a significant climate boost in recent years, and is classified to future climate requirements. At the same time, development and cooperation on the shipowner’s side have contributed to a significant increase in capacity.
90 percent of global trade is transported by sea, which is the most environmentally friendly way to transport goods. According to the UN Maritime Organization IMO, shipping accounts for between two and three percent of global man-made emissions. The IMO aims for emissions from shipping to be halved by 2050 compared to 2008.
Norway is at the forefront of the international initiative “Green Shipping Challenge”, which aims to stimulate faster climate change in shipping through measures such as green shipping corridors, lower energy consumption and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases.
Scan-Shipping Bergen has long focused on sustainability, and welcomes more green initiatives in the industry. We are convinced that the entire shipping industry has to pull in the same direction if the UN’s climate goals are to be achieved.
What we do
Scan-Shipping Bergen has undergone rapid development in recent years. Instead of investing in new ships, we invest heavily in existing tonnage to ensure that the ships have the longest possible lifespan. Among other things, we have invested in five new main engines on our ships. This leads to a 92 per cent reduction in NOX-emissions and around a 20 per cent reduction in C02 emissions.
Scan-Shipping AS is certified as an ”Miljøfyrtårn” (Eco-lighthouse), ) which is Norway’s most recognized environmental certificate. The certification should “contribute to businesses reducing their environmental impact, improving their working environment and achieving a competitive advantage. The certification must be based on practical measures that provide real improvements.” In 2017, Miljøfyrtårn was the first national environmental certification scheme to be recognized by the EU.
Taking responsibility
Scan-Shipping AS supports the UN’s sustainability goals, which are the world’s joint work plan to eradicate poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change by 2030. We have selected four goals that we have a particular focus on
The Transparency Act requires businesses to carry out due diligence assessments relating to human rights and decent working conditions throughout the value chain. Scan-Shipping Bergen works systematically to ensure social sustainability at all levels. Due diligence assessments are published annually on our websites.
Ship transport with a climate-friendly fleet combined with “green” terminals along the Norwegian coast leaves a significantly smaller footprint than massive trailer transport, and is fully in line with the authorities’ desire to move tonnage from cars to ships.
Sensible use of resources and reduced greenhouse gas emissions will contribute to a sustainable future. Scan-Shipping Bergen therefore reports in accordance with the GHG protocol, which is the most recognized protocol for climate accounting. Emissions are accounted for in:
Scope 1: Direct emissions
Scope 2: Electricity consumption
Scope 3: Indirect emissions
Scan-Shipping Bergen invests heavily in existing tonnage to ensure that our ships have the longest possible lifespan. A ship fully loaded with building materials or other goods can sail six times further than a lorry can drive with equivalent emissions.